4 ways to prevent houseplant pests.

Written by Plant Sit
Photo by feey on Unsplash

Pests are really intrusive, and once one of your houseplants has something then they are likely to travel through your collection. But, where do they come from? They can come from fresh produce you bring from the shops, through open windows, already in the potting mix, cut flowers & new houseplants, to name a few places. Whether you have Mealybugs, Gnats or Spider Mite, here are 4 ways to prevent any bugs causing a problem.


    Chances are, if your houseplant has travelled far in enclosed spaces with lots of other plants, there is more of a likelihood of it picking up some kind of infestation. Check for local nurseries in your area.

  2. inspect new plants closely.

    When you buy in a shop, always take a look at the plant closely to ensure it does not have any visible bugs. We are looking for “fluffy” spider mites, cobweb type substances & tiny, moving specs. Yes, they can be hard to spot but worth taking a closer look.

  3. Quarantine.

    Once you have brought your new plant home, quarantine them for a week or so. By keeping them away from other plants, you can see if any bugs start to develop (as mentioned, some are very hard to see with the naked eye!).

  4. regular cleaning & checks.

    To make sure you don’t miss anything, regularly inspect your plants & make sure you are giving them a good clean. Most of the time soapy water does the trick! Repeat at least monthly.

We would love to hear if you have any more tips & tricks on bug prevention! Head on over to our Instagram & tag us in your stories 💚

Katie Heward