Our top 5 tips to help your plants thrive this spring.


Words & photography by Plant Sit.

Spring Is upon us (finally!) and as we begin to come out of hibernation, so do our plants. Since many of us have tropical indoor plants, the winter can be a harsh environment for them, particularly if they have been subjected to heating, overwatering & draughty windows. BUT they have hung on this far & now we need to give them some extra TLC so they can thrive this spring.

Dormancy for plants is key for their health, allowing them to rest during the winter months when naturally they would be getting less light & cooler temperatures. Naturally, and at their own pace, plants will start to come out of dormancy once the days get longer & the temperature increases, and with this, there are a few things we can start to do:

1. Water more frequently

You may have noticed that your plants were not drying out as quickly during the winter, which meant a reduction in their watering schedule. Make sure you always check on their soil, inserting a finger a few inches in, to see if the soil is dry before watering again, and you may find this means plants can be watered more often again.

2. Repot

This is the perfect time of year to repot your plants, but this doesn’t mean all plants need it every year. Most plants require this every 12-18 months, and often this does not mean a whole new pot. Instead, you can refresh their soil if the roots are not requiring a larger pot, and here are some signs to look out for.

3. Start adding fertiliser

To make your houseplants thrive you can start adding fertiliser to ensure they have all of the nutrients they need. You can choose to use a homemade fertiliser or a multipurpose one to suit many plants. Every plant is different, but on average once every 2-4 weeks is sufficient.

4. Prune leggy or weak growth

A few leaves dropped off and your plants were growing to find the light, which could mean some of them are starting to look a little bare. Whilst this is normal, now is the time to make sure you cut any weak growth or bare stems with a clean knife/secateur. This will promote new growth during the Spring months.

5. Move them out of the direct sun

We all moved our sun-worshipping plants into the brightest spot of our homes, but make sure they get moved away from any direct sunlight once it starts getting stronger. We don’t want any scorched leaves!

We hope this helped you & that your plants can thrive in 2021! If you want to talk about your plants, if you are unsure about what they need then you can book an online consultation with us. Alternatively, you check out our repotting service & we can come out to help your plants 🌿

Katie Heward