Why are houseplants so great?

Photo by Sanni Sahil on Unsplash
Words by Plant Sit

January 10th, 2023, it is national houseplant day in the uk, so why not celebrate them? As we have built a business around them, you might have guessed we love houseplants, but here are some reasons as to why houseplants really are so great.

they are proven to make our space healthier.

Many houseplants (we’re looking at your Peace Lilies & Snake Plants) absorb toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, found in man-made materials, and pollute the air in our homes & offices. There have also been studies that say they reduce indoor dust by up to 20%. This means that our houseplants are our very own efficient air cleaners.

great for the skin & lungs.

That’s right, houseplants release water vapour into the air, which increases humidity, and this can help improve both our respiratory and skin health by offsetting the drying effects of our heating during the winter months. Great news for those with respiratory issues, those prone to headaches, and people who suffer from various allergies.

FOcus focus focus.

There have also been studies which prove that houseplants improve our ability to focus. This is why more companies are opting for jungle environments in their office space, and why it is great to add a few plants to our desks at home.

they keep us calm.

When our eyes see the green hint of the leaves and coloured flowers of our houseplants, it is reminded of the outdoors. And we all know that when we spend time in natural settings it can help reduce mental fatigue & make us feel calmer.

they keep on teaching us a lesson.

Whether that’s learning how to take care of the latest plant you have brought home, or learning to be patient in the winter with their care regime, they are always keeping us on our toes.

houseplants just look great.

They brighten up any space, making your bathroom look luscious & your living room green with life. When they are in their prime they really brighten up a space making our city homes look a little more welcoming.

We would love to hear why you love houseplants, so follow us on Instagram to join in the chat 🌿

Katie Heward